As a member of the University System of Georgia, Georgia College & State University is united by a mission to create a more educated Georgia. This mission calls for unwavering integrity, sound judgment, and a dedication to public service from every community member.
Achieving this mission depends on embracing a shared commitment to core values and ethical conduct. While individual accountability is vital, our collective adherence to these principles fosters a culture of trust and collaboration across our institutions.
To support and protect this foundation of trust, the USG Statement of Core Values and Code of Conduct outlines the standards that guide our actions and character. By upholding these standards, we ensure that each interaction reflects the excellence, competence, and integrity that define our community.
Statement of core values
Every member of the USG community is required to adhere to the USG Statement of Core Values that form and guide the daily work of the organization.
- INTEGRITY – We will be honest, fair, impartial, and unbiased in our dealings both with and on behalf of the USG.
- EXCELLENCE – We will perform our duties to foster a culture of excellence and high quality in everything we do.
- ACCOUNTABILITY – We firmly believe that education in the form of scholarship, research, teaching, service, and developing others is a public trust. We will live up to this trust by safeguarding our resources and being good stewards of the human, intellectual, physical, and fiscal resources given to our care.
- RESPECT – We recognize the inherent dignity and rights of every person, and we will do our utmost to fulfill our resulting responsibility to treat each person with fairness, compassion, and decency.
Code of Conduct
We will:
- Uphold the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in teaching, research, service, and grants administration.
- Act as good stewards of the resources and information entrusted to our care.
- Perform assigned duties and professional responsibilities in such a manner to further the USG mission.
- Treat fellow employees, students, and the public with dignity and respect.
- Refrain from discriminating against, harassing, or threatening others.
- Comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and professional standards.
- Respect the intellectual property rights of others.
- Avoid improper political activities as defined in law and Board of Regents Policy.
- Protect human health and safety and the environment in all USG operations and activities.
- Report wrongdoing to the proper authorities, refrain from retaliating against those reporting violations, and cooperate fully with authorized investigations.
- Disclose and avoid improper conflicts of interest.
- Refrain from accepting any gift or thing of value in those instances prohibited by law or Board of Regents’ policy.
- Not use our position or authority improperly to advance the interests of a friend or relative.
Ethics Awareness Week
Ethics Awareness Week is sponsored by the USG each year to reinforce our collected commitment to an ethical culture and our shared values and expectations.
Georgia College & State University, along with the other 25 USG institutions and the University System Office, host activities to raise awareness of the importance of an ethical culture and our shared Core Values of Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Respect.
Ethics Awareness Week is scheduled for November 3-9, 2025. Activity suggestions are welcome and can be emailed to Rhonda Fowler, Chief Audit Officer.
The campus-wide shredding event during the 2024 Ethics Awareness Week allowed faculty and staff to purge items according to the USG Records Retention Schedule. We encourage everyone to maintain this annual practice. For more information, refer to the Records Management resource page or contact your department's Record Retention Liaison.